Following the footsteps of the famous Scottish missionary and explorer Dr. David Livingstone, several Christian denominations were established in Malawi since the turn of the 19th century. Today, nearly 80% of Malawians identify themselves with a Christian church. However, this mainly represents nominal Christianity whereby the evidence of Christ’s Lordship and biblical living is confined to a much smaller percentage.

E3 Worldwide is committed to ensuring a comprehensive Biblical approach in all our interventions as we work within the communities. We purposefully incorporate Bible teaching and principles in every project we undertake in programs such as these:


We introduced Permaculture; methods of farming that promote sustainability of natural systems (e.g. symbiosis) in the land, and tries to correct man’s exploitative dominance of nature to become nature’s responsible caretaker and nurturer.


We are unapologetic about incorporating the Bible in the curriculum. And this not just for its historical benefits but intentionally for the introduction of Jesus Christ and for the transformation of lives that transcends from this acquaintance.


During our trainings we draw from the vast wealth of biblical wisdom and examples of industriousness, stewardship, accountability, etc. This also offers us opportunity to present our reasons for our commitment to such principles.


This program offers us opportunities to live out our faith in ways that literally touch lives. We may provide the basic care but we are not shy about presenting the true healer of both body and soul. This also presents countless opportunities for prayer and word of encouragement. Through this ministry, many of our friends in the communities and volunteers alike have stepped up to testify of God’s love and care for them through their experiences as a result of this ministry.


Currently we have hired Sandram Phiri as Project Coordinator focusing mainly on the spiritual growth aspect. In partnership with local church leaders, Sandram has implemented Bible studies to train and grow the local leaders so they can grow in their faith and manage their own Bible studies as well as help them understand and implement Biblical precepts in Church leadership.

E3 is currently looking for pastors who will come and spend a week or two in the village holding seminars and small group meetings with help in understanding the Bible, questions about doctrine, conflict management, church leadership, principles in marriage counseling, and life challenges. Pastors can come on their own or put together a mission team to help with the mobile clinics and other outreach projects while the pastor spends time with the church leaders.


The desire for spiritual growth cannot be understated. The thirst of the community and church leaders for a deeper understanding of spiritual matters is immense. If you are interested in putting together a team or want to visit on an individual basis please click here. Not only does the community need teachers but it needs learning materials such as Bible study material and Bibles translated into Chichewa.
